Dog bite injuries

If you have suffered injuries as a result of a dog bite, you are entitled to compensation. A dog bite can cause non-material damage (suffered mental pain, physical pain and fear) and material damage (eg torn clothes).

The most important thing is to immediately go to a competent medical facility and seek help in order to eliminate the risk of any possible consequences for the injured party’s health. The city or municipality where the damage occurred is responsible for the organization of the service whose task is to take care of the number of stray dogs, their removal, as well as compensation for damage to persons who suffer a certain type of the above-mentioned damage. It is a common misconception that a bite must always come from a dog. Situations are rare, but it also happens that, for example, cats attack and bite people, for which compensation also follows.

The compensation center provides the service of collecting damages from the competent city or municipality for you at no additional cost.


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