Injuries in public places

In the event that you suffer injuries due to a fall on a public surface (pavement, street), uncleaned snow or ice, we charge you for the damage from the competent city, municipality or public utility company.
Damage can occur as a result of a fall on a sidewalk or footpath due to a hole, bump, or bump in the walking surface. These deformations can occur due to mechanical damage to public areas or weather conditions. During the winter, there are frequent situations where the snow and ice are not cleaned enough, as a result of which there are falls and injuries to pedestrians.
Local government units are responsible for maintaining streets and footpaths and making them safe for movement. If an injury occurs during a fall on a public surface, the local self-government unit is responsible for the damage because it is obliged to ensure regular and high-quality performance of communal activities.
In the event of a fall and injury, it is necessary to contact a doctor immediately, in order to provide you with adequate assistance and record the injuries you suffered, while after that the Compensation Center will complete the processing of the case for you and collect the highest possible amounts of all types and types of damages. that you have suffered.