odštetni centar d.o.o.

Processing of claims and assessment of risks and damages.

Niš, Josifa Pančića street no. 12, near Dušan's bazaar



Injured in a traffic accident?
How to compensate for damage without costs?
You just have to choose us, everything else is up to us!

Specialized in representation in all types of traffic accidents.

You had a car accident

You have suffered an injury in a traffic accident, whether you were behind the wheel, a passenger, a passenger or a pedestrian in a public place,  and you have not yet been able to secure compensation for the damages suffered.

Exercise your rights

With us, you will exercise your rights quickly, efficiently and professionally, with the fastest possible payment of the damage you have suffered.

At your service

Our service is available so that you can quickly, efficiently and without additional costs achieve compensation and protect your rights.

Collection of documentation

We provide you with professional support in completing the documentation and assist in gathering relevant evidence to ensure the validity of your claim for damages.

Charge for damages

You will be regularly informed about the progress of the compensation process so that you can quickly obtain compensation and receive maximum compensation for the damage you have suffered.

It's up to you to choose us, everything else is up to us


© 2025 Odštetni centar d.o.o.